Friday, November 11, 2005

Online Workshop Part 1: What to do about the Islamic Threat?

Bjørn Stærk continues to criticize me and other "Islamophobes". He should at least be honest enough to admit that I have never on this blog called for banning the Koran. In fact, I have several times stated that I think this is a bad idea. First of all, I don't like banning literature in general. Second of all, I think it is to our advantage if people can read the Koran. I've put up links to all of the most important Islamic texts, including 8 English Koran translations and several Scandinavian ones. That's obviously because I want people to read them.

I have announced earlier that I would like to run an online workshop during the last three to four weeks of blogging at Fjordman, which will end early December. Maybe I should start right away. I will start writing something about a certain topic, and I would like feedback from my readers, to hear your ideas about this. If I like what you write, I may include it in another, more comprehensive and conclusive post about this topic later. To my readers: Please notice that anything you write at Fjordman from now on will be considered the "property" of Fjordman, and that your writings here may be reused by me in later essays and posts. That's the idea.

Regarding my personal ideas, I have earlier stated my view that I think we need some major realignments internationally. I have seen several people advocate scrapping or at least ignoring as much as possible the UN in its present form, and build another organization of democratic states only. This would leave the West, but also other infidel countries such as India inside, and Islamic nations and non-democratic China without any direct influence over our policies. The EU is a post-democratic and anti-democratic organization that needs to go, too, especially if Turkey is supposed to join. Otherwise, I may start by quoting Susan's entry at Bjørn's blog:

Defending against the Islamic "threat"

Most of what I would do is already being done by the government of Denmark:

1.) End immigration from Muslim countries.

2.) Enact laws such as were done in Denmark to eliminate the abuse of family reunification laws. These laws apply to everyone BTW, not just Muslims.

3.) Deport illegal aliens, as well as any legal aliens who have committed a crime. (Again, applies to everyone, not just Muslims.)

4.) End welfare payments and encourage work.

5.) Try to encourage disbursement of immigrants into the population at large rather than allow them to ghettize. This will aid assimilation.

6.) Refuse any kind of special pleading or special exemptions for Muslims that go against the secular nature of our society. For instance, companies and public buildings should not be forced to build prayer rooms for Muslims (or for anyone else, for that matter.)

7.) Absolutely stand up for our Western values such as freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Again, Denmark is the exemplar in Anders Fogh Rasmussen's response to the Muslim ambassadors who tried to twist his arm over the matter of the mildly insulting Danish cartoons published in a newspaper.

8.) End the poisonous multi-culti, PC and Western-self-loathing ideology that is continually pumped into our societies by academia, the media, NGOs and "intellectuals". We are told constantly by our elites that we live in the worst civilization in the world, when in fact we live in the best one (and that includes the best one for minorities too, despite all our faults--has anyone ever seen the "Native Japanese served only" signs in Japan?). Absolutely refuse to give an inch on any value we hold dear, no matter how "insulting" it is to our Islamic brothers.

9. Encourage Muslims to convert to other religions by supporting missionary activities.

10. Stop trying to stifle the debate about how Islam is affecting our communities. Covering up evidence of Muslim wrong-doing in our communities, such as the government covering up rapes in Norway or the refusal of the French media to report how many cars have been "car-bequed", for fear of causing "racism," only makes matters worse.

11. End the nonsense of "celebrating our differences", diversity coordinators, and all the other bullshit that has been shoved down our throats by the leftist cultural warriors for years. It hasn't accomplished a multi-culti paradise; it's done exactly the opposite, making people more suspicious of other ethnic groups and more resentful of them. We should be celebrating our samenesses, not our differences.

12. Realize that Islam is a political system as well as a religion, and treat it as such when it makes political demands on our societies.

I don't support banning mosques or Islamic books, but I do support very strongly banning any type of special favor or special pleading for Muslims just because they have so many, many special demands and needs and accommodations. For us to give them their "complete way of life" means that WE don't get to have OUR complete way of life.


At November 12, 2005 3:31 AM, Blogger Reliapundit said...

right on!

At November 12, 2005 3:33 AM, Blogger Reliapundit said...

right on Fjordy, that is!

your platform is right on!

if the ISLAMOTHUGS (not all muslims, just the you know whos) wont chilol then EXILE THEM

if fact: any immigrant from anywhere who won't assimilate should be EXILED/DEPORTED.

is this mean!?


we'd just be sending them HIME.

and there's no place like home.

At November 12, 2005 6:35 AM, Blogger bordergal said...

I agree that freedom of speech is important. My question is, where would you draw the line if you were the one responsible for making that decision?

At November 12, 2005 6:36 AM, Blogger simulev said...

Fjordman, "what do to about the Islamic threat", perhaps you missed the Swedish headlines in the paper city.

"Nalin Pekgul moves from the violence in Tensta [a immigrant populated suburb]
TENSTA. Nalin Pekgul, social democratic women association chairman, has after 25 years in Tensta become a profile that made herself known for her struggle in the suburb. But now she plans to move. She is worried about the increasing violence in Tensta and wants to protect her children.
In the radio interview Nalin Pekgul also told that the fundamentalist Islamic interpretations has become stronger. Her children have for instance started to question why mom does not wear a veil."

Nalin Pekgul is a Muslim of Kurdish origins.

At November 12, 2005 10:26 AM, Blogger Fellow Peacekeeper said...

Add one point to your program

13. Provide encouragement, financial incentives (how about 1-2 years welfare payment?), information and assistance services for emmigration back to countries of origin for all those immigrants unable or unwilling to assimilate.

At November 12, 2005 11:50 AM, Blogger simulev said...

Sweden takes a different approach as usual:
Islam and democracy (the seminars program and agenda)

Oh, what the ruling social democrats "forgot" to tell, they invited a HAMAS advocate.

At November 12, 2005 4:00 PM, Blogger bordergal said...


If taxes weren't so high, women would probably have more kids.
When the cost of childbearing is high for the middle class, they have fewer children in order to make sure that they can attain the same lifestyle through education etc.

Others have no problems shoving their child rearing expenses off on the state ergo taxpayers, and don't provide the same level of care.

It's quality versus quantity.
You also need to return to the idea that children are valuable and desirable, which idea has taken a big hit in Europe.

At November 12, 2005 5:08 PM, Blogger Pastorius said...


Good list. I would add that the government has to put intelligence officers in all Mosques (all "houses of worship" if you believe these ideas should not specifically target Islam), immediately.

Any preacher who calls for Jihad (physical Jihad) should be immediately deported. Hate literature should be confiscated and trashed.

The things they say, and the literature they distribute in some Mosques threatens people and states with destruction. This should be illegal. It goes beyond free speech, into the realm of inciting violence.

At November 13, 2005 3:54 PM, Blogger Esther said...


What do you mean by #9? I would think Europe is a non-religious continent with a Christian culture and Judeo-Christian ethics. Do you intend to spur a Christian revival?

What does missionary activity include? Are you suggesting baptising all Muslims? Forcibly? Having gov't sponsored missionaries? What about other minority religions? Would they be "fair game" as well?



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