Monday, August 22, 2005

About my Norwegian Post

I got some questions about my very long post in Norwegian. We have national elections in three weeks, and I wrote about twelve topics that I'd like the media to discuss. I also did something controversial, by emailing this to journalists in all major national media, both newspapers and TV. This was meant as a deliberate slap in the face to the press, who do not do their job properly. They have done nothing to uncover the truth about the rape statistics, although they did report it themselves four years ago. And they did not protest when 85% of our MPs weakened our legal rights in fundamental ways, even though they are quick to cry their crocodile tears when other countries draft tougher laws against Islamic terrorists. By emailing this information, I also made sure that dozens of journalists know about the rape story. They will either have to report it, or they become a part of the cover-up and can kiss their journalistic credibility goodbye.

A brief summary of the twelve topics:

1. There should be no cover-up of Muslim immigrant rapes.

2. It is not acceptable that Norwegians are harassed in their own capital (native Norwegians are quietly leaving inner city Oslo due to immigrant gangs).

3. Repeal the Discrimination Act (see my post about the Norwegian Inquisition).

4. Immigration costs each of the Scandinavian countries tens of bilions in welfare every year. It's NOT good for the economy, so stop pretending it is.

5. A multicultural society is neither possible nor desirable.

6. We are witnessing the largest population shifts since the Great Migrations after the collapse of the Roman Empire. And it's destabilizing Europe in very dangerous ways.

7. Norwegians are the indigenous people of Norway. Our right to retain our cultural heritage trumps that of people who move to our country out of their own, free will. Today, it's almost the opposite.

8. Freedom of speech and immigration control should not be outsourced to faceless bureaucrats in Brussels or the UN. The people should decide who should be allowed to settle here.

9. Criticizing religions such as Islam is not racism. Non-whites are at least as racist as white Europeans, maybe more.

10. Islamic terrorism is caused by Islamic teachings, not poverty. Muslim immigration to Europe may have laid the foundations for a new world war.

11. Turkey should not be accepted into the EU, if Eurabia is to be avoided.

12. Hijab, Islamic veil, should be banned in all schools and for all public employees.


At August 22, 2005 2:17 AM, Blogger Indigo Red said...

Your list should be adopted and adapted by every thinking Western country. I have been experiencing multiculturalism here in Southern California for 20+ years and it doesn't work.

Years ago, I lived in an apartment house owned by three Swedish women who also lived there. They could not understand the race problems America had. More recently, they have told me they now understand and are very angry with the Swedish immigration policies they once supported.

At August 22, 2005 10:18 AM, Blogger Runnymede1215 said...

I guess I agree with your positions with some reservations.

"5. A multicultural society is neither possible nor desirable."

Doesn't that depend on the cultures? I can't see for example that chinese, hindu, jewish, african or hispanic culture should be much of a problem in todays world.

Cultures are simply memetic systems, ideas and their resulting behaviours. Some ideas are better than others, some get along, some don't.

Basically I believe that the only one that is not compatible with any other culture what so ever today is Islam.

But for sure, the ones that should decide who should be let in to their country is the norweigans.

It's their home, and they should be given the necessary information to make an informed and rational decision of their country's future. Today that's not the case.

A country can be easily compared to a house, the ones living there should be told all the facts about existing and potential newcomers and guests, they should have the right to say "no", and to demand the expulsion of unpleasant newcomers.

FOMI, a swedish forum against islamization

At August 23, 2005 7:05 AM, Blogger Vapaussoturi Eurovaaliehdokas Seppo Lehto said...

Attention - Achtung;)

We have to remember that finns are original nation in Norway, too. But too often forgotten as a original nation in Noway, too.

Seppo Lehto

At August 24, 2005 2:53 AM, Blogger Runnymede1215 said...

zach, it's true that multiculturalism and democracy is a difficult combination.

Democracy have this inherent problem even without multiculturalism. In Europe right now, the younger generations being forced to pay an unreasonable amount of money to the older generations who can get excellent pensions by their voting power.

The solution should be to limit the authority of the state and of the majority. The only morally legitimate function of the state is to protect the individuals against each other, to protect against the initiation of force.

Let the state take care of national defense, the police and the courts, and let the citizens take care of their own business.

FOMI, a swedish forum against islamization

At September 26, 2005 8:56 PM, Blogger afgaani said...

Tarja Halonen is a niggerlover

Islamistics, niggers etc out of Europe :
Vierasperäistämisestämme eli kansakuntaamme uhkaavasta vaarasta tiedoite

Seppo Lehto Tampere Suomi suomalaisille miehitettyjä alueitamme myöden

Occupier Russia out of our territories!


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