Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Radical Islam Surrenders to Progressivism

Radical Islam Surrenders to Progressivism

The War on Terror has entered a new successful stage once the US field commanders began to force the enemy units to comply with the same government-imposed rules and restrictions that the US Army increasingly faces on a daily basis. One man, identified only as a "Soldier for Allah" explained, "We were led into a classroom and had to sit in circles for what they called 'Collective Self-Attaining Support Sessions' where they lectured us on matters such as "Gender Awareness." "Multicultural Identity." and "Environmental Racism." For the love of Allah (peace be upon him and his messenger, the Prophet Muhammad), even in Saddam's prisons, I was never accused so often of being guilty!" Trembling, he continued. "We had...had...gender role-playing. We had...had...non-dairy vegan diets. We had...had," at which point he broke down and cried, "You win, America! I had to write a 17-page memo explaining why my unit did not have an Hispanic presence! Please, you win!"


At November 22, 2005 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not everyone in the (US)federal government is incompetent as you seem to believe. Perhaps reading sometimes other than the drivel the MSM puts out would be useful.

And with your attitude, no doubt there wouldn't be many Americans willing to help you--given your obvious opinion of their stupidity.

Of course you can always get France to help you. Now, there's a government everyone would want on their side in a time of crisis.

At November 22, 2005 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correction: something instead of sometimes in my previous post.

I do agree that a large segment of the US population would rather help Muslims than Europeans. Just as a large number of Americans take the side of the Islamists against their own country. The US has been deeply divided even before the 2000 presidential elections. What would you attribute this to?

What I object to is the constant America bashing, especially when those doing the bashing have no better record of solving problems than does the US.

A fairly current (summer 2005) report shows how the US is perceived by other nations.
U.S. Image Up Slightly, But Still Negative

At November 22, 2005 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would be the first one to say, as I have many times, that US foreign policy has been rotten for decades.

I guess many people are hoping for another superpower, such as the former USSR or something worse, to replace the terminally clueless US government.

I think Saudi Arabia has done the most to promote radical Islam worldwide over the last 50 years--let's give credit where credit is due.

Bush deserves all the bashing he gets for his so-called friendship with this corrupt, evil country.

At November 23, 2005 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you kidding??

At November 23, 2005 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I see by some of your posts that you're a George Orwell fan.


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