Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Turkey bans reprints of Hitler's Mein Kampf

Turkey bans reprints of Hitler's Mein Kampf

The Turkish government has refused permission for future printing of Adolf Hitler's autobiography Mein Kampf following a surprise leap of the pre-Second World War book into the Turkish bestsellers list earlier this year, it was reported Tuesday. Radikal newspaper said that the Culture and Tourism Ministry had refused permission to two publishing houses seeking to reprint the book. While no reason for the reprint ban was given, Radikal speculated that it may be due to pressure from the German state of Bavaria, which holds the copyright for the all editions of the book except for those in English and Dutch. Copies of Mein Kampf, or "My Struggle" in bookshops at the moment have not been ordered off the shelves. Mein Kampf hit the bestseller lists in Turkey earlier in the year with analysts saying the book's shock rise in popularity could be due to an increase in nationalism and anti-U.S. feelings since the invasion of Iraq.

Turkey a dangerous election issue - Schroeder

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder spoke out Tuesday against using the issue of Turkey's application to join the European Union for electoral gain in the German election campaign. Schroeder warned against "cultural conflict" over the issue, during a visit to the German headquarters of the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet. Angela Merkel, the conservative candidate challenging Schroeder in Sunday's election, has made clear she does not want Turkey in the E.U. as a full member, holding out instead the prospect of a "privileged partnership". Schroeder backs Turkish membership on geopolitical and strategic grounds, provided Ankara fulfils the requirements. Formal negotiations are set to begin in October.


At September 13, 2005 10:08 PM, Blogger John Sobieski said...

I had not read Mein Kamph, so I got it from the library a few weeks ago. What tripe. Hitler goes on and on about himself, and how much smarter he is. How he knew better than his father, how he knew better than everyone. It is so pompous and of course spews with hate. MMmmm, sounds like the Qur'an. With endless stabs at Jews and anybody else he didn't like. Really just another hate manual. The Muslims must be eating it up. Delicious.

You ask yourself, 'how could anyone put any part of their life into the rantings of such a hate book?' That is probably why the West laughed it off and never read it. Mmmm, that sounds like our leaders today and the Qur'an.


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