Thursday, May 12, 2005

"Hurt the Feelings of Muslims, and Die in a Painful Way!"

The Belmont Club was kind enough to link to my story about the apparent collapse of Swedish democracy. Amir Ali Tayyab, a Muslim gentleman who appears to come from Pakistan, posted these kind words about Runar Søgaard, who called Muhammad "a confused pedophile":

about recent swedish guy's attempt to abuse religious feelings of muslims, of course this happens only when someone wishes to die in a painful way.

Thank you for stating that co clearly, Amir. I'll remember that the next time I discuss Islam, democracy and freedom of speech with somebody.


At May 12, 2005 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is disgusting!While Runar Sörgård is living under a death threat, the Swedish journalist are making fun of him. The death threat against sörgård shows that the muslims have emigrated from Dar al-Islam but they have not emigrated from Sharia.

At May 12, 2005 2:13 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

"The death threat against sörgård shows that the muslims have emigrated from Dar al-Islam but they have not emigrated from Sharia."

They have never emigrated from Dar al-Islam, either. They work to re-create it here, and Islamize our countries.

At May 13, 2005 12:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

about recent swedish guy's attempt to abuse religious feelings of muslims, of course this happens only when someone wishes to die in a painful way.

In other words, it is all the fault of the pastor. He brought it upon himself and wishes to die in a painful way. It is a painful 'death wish' of the pastor. Muslims cannot be held responsible at all. Nothing to do with islam or muslims.

Apropos 'painful way' - does that mean that anyone who insults islam must have a painful death. Will a painless death not satisfy allah?

The shear barbarity of islam continues to amaze me. This last sentence I have posted every time after some islamic outrage. By now I thought, I would have run out of the opportunity to say this again. But islam and its followers never fail to disappoint.



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