Thursday, December 15, 2005

Fjordman at Frontpage Magazine

My post about the Muslim rape wave in Sweden has generated some interest. It was picked up by Ali Sina at Faith Freedom International, and today by Frontpage Magazine. It is possible I will set a new record for both weekly and daily visitors at the Fjordman blog this week, and I got a reference in the Washington Times a few days ago.

I keep getting MANY requests to continue blogging. I will still close down this blog in a few days, but I may write something and post it at other blogs or websites such as Gates of Vienna, Viking Observer, Jihad Watch and FFI once in a while, if I have the time. I will also post comments at LittleGreenFootballs every now and then.


At December 16, 2005 1:18 AM, Blogger Yoel Natan said...

typos in "rape" article

17 girl (17-year-old girl)

suspecteded (suspected)

that pays some of the highest tax rates
(should be: "that has some of the highest tax rates"
or "that pays some of the highest taxes"

they have to provide security (better: they must provide security)

At December 16, 2005 1:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on some very well-deserved recognition.

It is none of my business, but I always wondered why you didn't accept ads on your blog site which would enable you to earn a living blogging.

You certainly have a gift for writing, and a very appreciative audience. Your voice is so important to the global dialogue about Islam. Thank you for sharing your insight.

Once again, my very best wishes to you and your family. You will be missed.

At December 16, 2005 2:06 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yoel Natan: Were the typos in the original article?

Heather: Thanks, I've never really given it serious thought before. Don't care too much about the money anyway.

At December 16, 2005 1:17 PM, Blogger Eleanor © said...

Great job. We will look for you at those other blogs.

At December 16, 2005 2:00 PM, Blogger Pavel Kohout said...

We will miss you, Fjordman. BTW may I have your email address for a personal consultation? (I promise I will not abuse your address in any way.)

At December 16, 2005 3:26 PM, Blogger Rick Darby said...


One of the many things you can be proud of is the number of thoughtful readers and commenters you have attracted to your site. You have shown that there is still a market for truth and insight.

My best wishes for wherever your interests take you in the future.

At December 16, 2005 6:16 PM, Blogger simulev said...

Thanks fjordman, I noticed a blip in my counter statistics as well, and to my Swedish stalkers delight i will probably not update my blog, except for one last present to the Internet comunity...

At December 16, 2005 7:02 PM, Blogger Guessedworker said...


You have done a fine job. I am sorry to hear you have come to the end of it. You have been quoted several times on our blog and David H's pick-up of the rape wave piece has just been posted by one of our bloggers.

There are not voices opposing the destruction of the West. Yours will be missed.

At December 16, 2005 7:51 PM, Blogger José said...

Now that your stories about rapes in Scandinavia have a limited worldwide audience you have become a nuisance for elites in Scandinavia, maybe they feel uneasy with you and no doubt if you go on you may face problems. I regret you leave blogging but it may be a good personal choice.

The first commenter is a young american lady more disturbed by you than by muslim rapists, I am sure that according to her you deserve a greater punishment.

What a sick world, leftists feminists keep mute about muslim women oppression.

At December 20, 2005 4:06 AM, Blogger GunJam said...

fjordman! You MUST be kidding! You MUST NOT STOP your blogging! You are globally influential!

I have linked to your rape story here

I hope you will reconsider closing down your blog!

I have enjoyed your work.

Warm regards,

san antonio


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