Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Online Workshop Part 6: An Alliance of Civilizations?

How will the relationship be between the West and non-Western cultures in the 21st century? My best bet is that the West (at least the USA, maybe not Europe) will continue to be the most dynamic civilization for a long time to come, but maybe not powerful enough to keep up the present world order alone. Is an alliance with non-Western civilizations such as India, which we are already seeing some signs of, a viable alternative? Is it possible to have this with a democratic China, or is China destined to be a rival more than a partner? Are we seeing the signs of a global, universal civilization, which will join forces against Islam?


At December 14, 2005 4:57 PM, Blogger eLarson said...

China is looking to expand it's economy, so there is a natural rivalry in terms of competition for resources.

One thing to watch is for any further unrest in the south. China's present regime has the theory that if economic opportunity is offered, then political freedom will not be necessary. Unrest in the developed south would bring that theory crashing to the ground.

At December 14, 2005 5:40 PM, Blogger erp said...

Chinese people aren't stupid. They'll join the Anglosphere with Israel, India and Japan and possibly some South American countries and former soviet bloc countries for peace and prosperity.

Countries controlled by Islam will be excluded until they learn to live in peace with their neighbors.

There's no mystery to it. Anyone can join in. A free economy can expand indefinitely, it's only socialism that can't succeed when the critical mass is reached.


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