Saturday, November 26, 2005

Witness: Prince had royal excuse: Claimed ‘diplomatic immunity’

Witness: Prince had royal excuse: Claimed ‘diplomatic immunity’

A Saudi prince serving a year on the Vineyard for mowing down a Cambridge father with his SUV while drunk told police he didn’t have to take field sobriety tests because his royal status gave him diplomatic immunity, according to a witness interviewed by the Herald. “He said he can’t be arrested. He didn’t have to do the tests because he had diplomatic immunity,” said Angel Andino, one of three Boston Transportation Department employees who witnessed the 2:40 a.m. accident on Oct. 29, 2002. “He was all cocky about it like he was God or something or he was untouchable,” Andino said of Prince Bader Al-Saud, 23, who was permitted to choose the cushy Dukes County Jail on Martha’s Vineyard for his time. Andino, now a supervisor with the transportation department, said Al-Saud eventually submitted to the field tests on Charles Street. According to the police report, Al-Saud - who did not in fact have diplomatic immunity, or a valid driver’s license - failed two field sobriety tests and recorded a .12 reading on his breath test after striking Orlando Ramos, 37, with his BMW X5. The legal limit is .08.


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