Friday, September 09, 2005

Should Bloggers Initiate Email Campaigns?


We in the West have become so comfortable in our way of life, that we have lost all sense of who we are, i.e., a community of like minded people. I mean hear, not as a racial group, or even a religious group, but as like minded people who have a common set of principles. In other words, though we share such principles, we have become atomised as a society. This makes us vulnerable to intimidation and attack by wolves. The sheep dogs who should protect us, follow orders from people who have no real liking for us, except as tax payers, ie treat us as sheep. I'm not surprised. So no matter how many there are of us - as sheep, we are fearful of the wolves, and timid and paralysed in front of them.

Now look at the bloggers themselves - there is no unity of purpose or action here. They operate individually, with no power to raise a storm except in the blogosphere. OTH, look at islamic web sites. They can raise a storm of emails to politicians, letters to the media, and muslim spokesmen appearing on TV, presenting their Taqqiya. This, from recent immigrants to the West. Anything like that from our side, even though we are 95% or more of the population, and pay for it all as well? Is it then a surprise that our politicians, national and in the EU, are terrified of muslims? Of course they are terrified. They are terrfied of a few wolves, as naturally they should, but are not worried in the least of millions of sheep.

But we are not sheep! What if we became more vociferous? As a first step, we in the blogosphere, need to organise our actions, so that we coordinate a campaign of emails and letters to politicians, indicating our absolute outrage at the concessions being granted to a killing cult, which islam is. So as a first step, we need to form a pan-European alliance of like minded bloggers, from East to West Europe. If this is moderately successful, then politicians will themselves be more hestitant to acquisce to muslim demands. The second stage can then be considered. Gates of Vienna has proposed a "swarming" idea, but we need one in Europe for specifically European concerns, to which European politicians are susceptible.

Something has to be done.

I have considered starting email campaigns myself, especially regarding the rape issue in my own country. I have sent some emails on a strictly personal basis, but have so far refrained from doing anything more than that. I've been a little concerned that a campaign to generate massive amounts of emails could be considered spam, and would hurt the image of my blog.

However, as DP111 points out, Muslims have no such qualms, and readily send out thousands of emails over even minor issues. Am I just being too polite? Should I try to start an email campaign over this issue, directed at both journalists and politicians?


At September 09, 2005 11:01 PM, Blogger bordergal said...

Yes, by all means.

People need information in order to make correct decisons.

If they aren't getting the data they need, circumvent the roadblocks and make sure they are informed.

Knowledge is power. That is why this information is being hidden, it is politically explosive.

At September 10, 2005 7:35 AM, Blogger Mike H. said...

I'll have to agree with every one here. Consider one thing though, if no one listens, then your equivalent of the second amendment will have to be dusted off and put back to use.

At September 10, 2005 10:53 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Ik: It's not a bad idea. The catch is that I will probably soon take a long break from blogging, and putting up another site before I go into hibernation may not be the right thing to do.

If I do start a campaign, I would write a ready-made protest email in both English and Norwegian, and put up dozens of emails to politicians and journalists that you could send to.

Perhaps I should do a campaign for Sweden, too, where the situation is even worse. If I hook up with people in Sweden and Denmark, such a campaign could gain more clout.

At September 10, 2005 10:25 PM, Blogger gandalf said...

pd111 and I have been talking of this for some time, we had similar discussions in Gates of Vienna.

The main problem is in bringing a dispirate group of people together.

Pd111 and I spoke today and I think a strategy is forming which could solve the problem, This strategy would also make bloggers aware of thier counterparts in other countries thus forging a communication network that actually communicates . I will keep you informed as no doubt will pd111



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