Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Guardian Wants Europe to Surrender

Al-Guardian wants us to surrender. Not news, of course, but worth repeating:

Talking with the jihadists

This combination of terrorist cells and at least some sympathisers with the jihadist cause (their number is impossible to gauge) within diasporic and immigrant Islamic communities across the continent obviously makes Europe particularly vulnerable. This does not mean that Muslim immigrant communities as a whole represent a fifth column within European society, as a growing number of European politicians, by no means all of them on the far right, have increasingly taken to suggesting. But it does mean that there are enough sympathisers within these communities to make the terrorists' job feasible as opposed to impossible. Terrorism can often be contained and even blunted by effective military and intelligence activities, but it can only be defeated by political compromise and negotiation. For when terrorists represent a considerable constituency of opinion - as the IRA did, and the jihadists most definitely do - their ability to continue fighting is almost infinite. Sooner or later, such negotiations will have to start, as it is widely reported that they have already begun between the US and Iraqi authorities and the Ba'athist insurgents in Iraq. The alternative is treating the Islamic immigrant populations of Europe like a vast fifth column, and that choice would be a disaster for Europe and for the Islamic world. It is true that negotiating with mass murderers is the opposite of justice. But what adult ever thought history was just?


At July 17, 2005 4:54 PM, Blogger erp said...

ik. Right on! It's the moonbats baying that is misinterpreted by Islam as the green light for them to continue the killing. When the left is silenced, terrorism will stop. We don't need to nor should we want to, dialogue with Muslims.

Let them quietly fold up their tents and go home. Those Islamic countries wishing to enter into the 21st century and join us in peace and freedom are welcome. Those wishing to remain in the 12th century may do so as long they try to export their madness outside their borders.


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