Friday, May 06, 2005

Denmark: Radical Islamists recruit juvenile delinquents

Radical Islamists recruit juvenile delinquents

Radical Islamist groups recruit members from immigrant gangs, a two-day intelligence conference in Copenhagen concluded on Tuesday. Police will now collaborate with schools and social workers in order to determine how big the problem is and what can be done to stop fundamentalist groups from recruiting more members among teenage trouble-makers. One top police officer said that the radical organisations offer juvenile delinquents a strong group ethos that they cannot find anywhere else.

Integration tops welfare reform agenda

Integration is at the top of the government's welfare reform agenda, said Finance Minister Thor Pedersen this morning. Thor Pedersen added that the poor employment rate among immigrants will cost Denmark 34 billion kroner this year. Accordingly, improved integration will save the state more money than for instance a reform of early retirement pensions.

Half of all immigrants outside labour market

About every second immigrant stands outside the reach of the Danish labour market, the Confederation of Danish Industries (DI) reported Wednesday. 'Denmark's high social benefits clearly make it less attractive to find work instead of being passively sustained,' said DI's CEO, Hans Skov Christensen. The organization said more than 20 percent of all male immigrants lost out economically by working, when childcare costs were taken into account. In Germany, the share was only 5 percent. Additionally, DI said a new study indicated that good Danish language skills are crucial for immigrants and refugees to find a job and keep it. The study also warned that immigrants who have been in the country for a number of years without acquiring the necessary language skills risk getting lost in the system, because language programmes typically concentrate on newly arrived immigrants and refugees. In addition, companies criticised local language courses, because they lack a focus on real-life, business situations.


At May 06, 2005 4:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to say this, but when socialist administrations provide “free services,” there should be no surprises when people from less affluent nations show up at the feeding trough. Of course, “free services” aren’t free if you are working, paying high taxes, and have decided that you can do with less disposable income. On the other hand, if you aren’t working --- you happen to be one of those immigrants who are getting something for nothing, then “free services” really are free. Where’s the justice in that? Actually, Fjordman, it sounds to me as if there is a well-organized conspiracy going on among certain migrant populations. Couldn’t they just go back home?

Just asking . . .

At May 06, 2005 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"One top police officer said that the radical organisations offer juvenile delinquents a strong group ethos that they cannot find anywhere else."

I have been saying this from day one. That is what a cult does - it takes people lacking internal direction or fortitude and provides them with a set of instructions (or direction) for everyday life. At the same time it works to block access to alternatives. I expect any totalitarian ideology acts in the same manner.

At May 09, 2005 3:33 AM, Blogger Bill said...

I stumbled onto your blog randomly. Here in the USA we have recieved a lot of criticism from Europe for our black civil rights problems. Now that Sweden and others are dealing with ethnic populations perhaps we will see some appreciation for the USA problems.


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