Why Some Riot and Some Do Not
Why Some Riot and Some Do NotThe Poles have an unemployment rate which is as high as the unemployment rates in French suburbs. Yet while “angry French youths” burn down their neighbourhoods, including their public transport buses and schools, Polish plumbers, construction workers and nurses are too busy to be angry. They travel abroad for several weeks at a time to work in foreign lands. One of the places they go to is France, where they work harder, often delivering better quality and at lower wages than French workers. Can’t the “French youths” do the same? Do not tell me that there are no plumbers, construction workers and nurses in places like Clichy-sous-Bois? The spectacle of politics in Warsaw is as disheartening as the political spectacle in Paris, where some are trying to use the ongoing riots in Paris and elsewhere as an excuse to bring down Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s Interior Minister. But as long as the Poles are not losing their willingness to work, to create wealth, to improve their lot, as long as they realise that their future is their own responsibility rather than the state’s and the politicians’, Poland’s prospects are bright, while those of Western Europe grow bleaker day by day.
It's the religion silly! The sooner this get's into a frenzy the better! War (civil or global) war is drawing nearer. Now the mask of Islam is pulled away and the ugly face of this expansionist, murderous religion is visible for all of us to see. Even those who don't want to see it. Burning disabled middleaged women is just the beginning.
Poles and other citizens of former Warsaw Pact countries can’t be fooled by leftwing moonbattery. They lrearned the hard way that only individual freedom, hard work and free markets will improve their lot of in life and bring a higher standard of living to their families.
Excellent points.
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