Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Caliphate - It's Good For You

The return of the caliphate

If Bush and Blair are serious about reform in Muslim countries, it must include not just democratic reform, but also economic development. As the people of the US and the EU know, creating economic blocks to allow this to happen is an imperative. The EU managed to bring together a war-ravaged continent, on the basis of economic cooperation, which has led to further union. There can be no doubt that there will eventually be a similar model for Muslim countries. Instead of a president or a commission, there might be what is called a caliph. It's not the names but what the institutions do that matters. A restored caliphate is entirely compatible with democratically accountable institutions. The aim of Islamic law, contrary to popular belief, is not punishment by death or amputation of body parts. It is to create a peaceful and just society, with Islamic scholars over centuries citing its core aims: the freedom to practise religion; protection of life; safeguarding intellect; maintaining lineage and individual rights. This could be the basis for an Islamic bill of rights. The vision of any kind of new caliphate, shared by Muslims worldwide, is a distant one. But it is a vision that is needed, and one that should actually be supported by the US and Britain if they are sincere about the development of the Muslim world. The revival of a strong Muslim civilisation would be for the betterment of the whole world.


At November 01, 2005 3:10 PM, Blogger erp said...

Islam's prohibitions on normal business practices makes competing in the modern world nigh on impossible. A financially independent populace, not beholden to the mullahs for their existence, would soon put Islam in its proper place -- the dust bin of history.

Don't look for it to happen anytime soon.

France … Thanks for the litany of gentle reminders of why it’s Islam that's the problem and platitudes to the contrary are just so much leftwing propaganda.

At November 01, 2005 4:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Just in case anyone thought there may be merit to the article read this fantasy quote:

"In its dynamic period, the Islamic caliphate was at the heart of a great civilisation, leading the world in science, philosophy, law, maths and astronomy."

Pure bullshit but then again the writer Osama Saeed is a spokesman for the Muslim Association of Britain

At November 01, 2005 6:31 PM, Blogger CiscoKid said...

"When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. "

Only during war.

"It is acceptable to break treaties and obligations with pagans and make war on them whenever strong enough to do so (Koran 9:3). "

This is not what it says. I've checked.

"Pure bullshit but then again the writer Osama Saeed is a spokesman for the Muslim Association of Britain "

Well, it's actually true. But then again, the Muslim world was more peaceful, advanced and ruled by moderate people. A huge contrast from the Christian world then, and the Muslim world now.

The caliphate is a dream of muslim radicals - but will never happen.

At November 01, 2005 7:11 PM, Blogger Don Miguel said...

"But then again, the Muslim world was more peaceful, advanced and ruled by moderate people. A huge contrast from the Christian world then, and the Muslim world now."

Imagine you are a Jew. You have two choices on where and when to live: now, in North America, or at any time and any where in the Muslim world. Which choice would be more "peaceful, advanced and ruled by moderate people?"

At November 02, 2005 8:24 AM, Blogger John Sobieski said...

would be for the betterment of the whole world.. oh yes, a world for Islam, and Islam only. Poor infidels, what will they do?


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