Sunday, October 02, 2005

Turkey in EU would bolster Arab partnership with Europe: analysts

Turkey in EU would bolster Arab partnership with Europe: analysts

Arab countries believe Turkey entering the European Union would strengthen their own relations with Europe and bolster efforts to portray Islam as a moderate religion, analysts say. "Turkey's negotiations with the European Union are a sign of encouragement," said Fares Braizat, a researcher at the center of Centre of Strategic Studies of the University of Jordan. "For the Arabs it means that Turkey could play a play a significant role within the European Union regarding EU policies towards the Arab and Muslim regions. Turkey is seen as a model for positive engagement with the world." With one foot firmly planted in the East and the other in the West, Turkey is seen by other Muslim countries as a role model that has successfully balanced tradition and modernisation. By accepting Turkey, "the EU will be shedding its Christian club label, improving Europe's image in the Muslim world and encouraging Turkey's model -- a moderate Islamic state which is also a democracy," Ansari said. "This would help moderates and liberals across the Muslim world to confront Islamic extremism." "Turkey's membership is important for Syria because it will become Europe's direct neighbour," said Elias Murad, the chief editor of Al-Baath, the ruling party's newspaper. "This will contribute to improve political and economic relations with the EU," Murad said.


At October 02, 2005 10:32 PM, Blogger Jens-Olaf said...

Turkey has to fulfill the multi somewhat requirements of the EU. Then the governments of EU-Europe have to decide. That is was the Latvian president says. Listen to it:First they have to fulfill, then decicion.

At October 02, 2005 10:35 PM, Blogger John Sobieski said...

No civilization has survived conquer or 'voluntary' merger with Islam. Why do these Euro elites think their case will be any different, or that they know what is best for their citizens, who DO NOT want Turkey to join. Isn't the height of pomposity for our leaders to make such decisions that we do not agree with. I do not believe this would ever happen in America, but I may be wrong.

At October 03, 2005 4:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many ways can you spell BALONEY? The trouble with analysts is they live out of touch with the real world. I am so sick of Islam and everything I see happening in the world today as a result of it. Who in their right mind would want a relationship with a country that is 99% Islamic? The statement, "With one foot firmly planted in the East and the other in the West" is laughable. Where is the western foot? My guess would be it's firmly poised behind the EU ready to kick them in the *butt* if they are allowed membership.

*bottom, behind, rump, and other less polite terms.

At October 03, 2005 5:07 PM, Blogger José said...

If Turkey fulfils all the requirements that EU imposed I don´t see why they should change the rules of the game. That is cheating.

I understand the dangers that Turkey could bring, mostly if islam is not controlled, but it is also a great opportunity to change the arab world, mainly the countries bordering Turkey, by influence.
It would be the same like the otomans in the past, they were deeply influenced by europeans.
Turkey is not like any other country, they have been cooperating with the West since Kemal and they deserve a chance.

Humanity has to be One, in freedom, if western civilization denies the posibility of progres to others we are not in the right path.

And please, if somebody answers this don´t forget that I know that Islam is evil and if depended upon me I would forbid it.


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