Thursday, October 13, 2005

Gang Rapist: "I Raped Because of My Cultural Background"

Apparently, having a Muslim cultural background can contribute to rape. A racist statement by Fjordman? Nope. It was said by the lawyer of a Pakistani immigrant in Australia, now appealing his rape sentence on the grounds that he was a "cultural time bomb," an inevitable product of his social conditioning in a community that has "very traditional" views of women. Well, if many Muslim males are indeed "cultural time bombs" who just can't handle seeing girls not wearing the veil, perhaps we shouldn't let them in in the first place? Just a thought:

Gang rapist's attacks unavoidable, says lawyer

When sentenced their Pakistani father made the comment to the effect that the boys shouldn't be blamed, girls in Pakistan don't walk around like that. After attempting to intimidate and outlast their victims during the trial process they were finally sentenced. They are now appealing partially on the grounds that they were "cultural time bombs" were an inevitable product of their social conditioning in a community that has "very traditional" views of woman. MSK, who, with his three Pakistani brothers, raped several girls at their Ashfield family home over six months in 2002, was affected by "cultural conditioning … in the context of intoxification", Stephen Odgers, SC, told the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal yesterday. MSK, 26, MAK, 25 and MMK, 19, are appealing against the severity of their sentences after they were found guilty of nine counts of aggravated sexual assault in company - a crime carrying a maximum penalty of life imprisonment - against two girls, aged 16 and 17, in July 2002.

Boy raped in swimming pool

A 12-year-old boy was raped during an institution outing to a swimming pool earlier this month. The attack took place on 4 October in the village of Ølby, just south of Copenhagen. Police have not yet apprehended the rapist, who is described as a corpulent man in his fifties speaking Danish with a foreign accent. His chin was covered with grey beard stubbles, and police suspect that he might be of Palestinian origin. The man attacked and raped the boy in the swimming pool's sauna. The boy suffers from hyperactivity and has lived in a children's psychiatric institution for the past two years. The institution organised the trip to the swimming pool. His father told the newspaper that the boy had thrived in the institution and had been showing good progress. 'Now we risk that this horrible rape will break him down,' the father said. He said he was disappointed that two days passed from the attack until he and the boy's mother heard about it from the institution. In the meantime, the boy, who has suffered greatly after the attack, received a medical examination at the State University Hospital without having his parents being present.


At October 13, 2005 8:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Re: "the rapist, who is described as a corpulent man ...... police suspect that he might be of Palestinian origin."

Damn - I thought Arafat was dead.

At October 13, 2005 8:30 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Re: "They are now appealing partially on the grounds that they were "cultural time bombs" were an inevitable product of their social conditioning in a community that has "very traditional" views of woman"

Sounds to me like they've provided their own excuse to be excluded from any western country.

At October 14, 2005 6:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if these are the same men as in this 2002 article by Mark Steyn:

It is one of the best articles I've read about the insanity of political correctness when it comes to crimes committed by immigrants.


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